Phase 3

Tactics Greed

Team Browser Land
Genre Action real-time strategy game
Engine, Tool Unity

This is an action real-time strategy game that allows players to experience authentic group tactics with simple controls. Players become the commander of a squad and fight using unique tactics that combine units, walkers, and magic. Can you come out on top?


Why did you apply to iGi?
When I saw the titles of the second edition, I thought it was all great games, and I wanted to join the lineup.
What was the most memorable mentoring experience?
Sprint Meeting, it was held in every two weeks and it made me feel that game is getting better and better.
Any advice that has had an influence on this tile? ①
Many, but the biggest one could be about UI. Since my game happens a lot of things on the screen I was told about how UI could improve that visuality.
Any advice that has had an influence on this tile?②
One of the mentors told me that I should be developing a game that suits myself. So I developed the game that I love.
How did you balance work and iGi?
I did focus on game development mainly.
A message to the pople considering applying iGi
I am definitely sure that iGi will increase your game's quality.

